Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Oakville Hydro.
We are closed on Monday, February 17th and will reopen on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. Reminder: Off-peak pricing is in effect Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Here are six safety tips that can save yours or a loved one’s life:
How close can you come to a downed powerline, such as a downed powerline caused by a storm or accident?
Maintain a distance of 10 metres (33 feet/the length of a school bus)
If you see a downed powerline, call 911 and Oakville Hydro (905-825-9400) ASAP
If you were undertaking outdoor activities, such as cleaning windows or trimming trees, how close can you safely come to an overhead powerline with your body or an object?
Maintain a distance of at least 3 metres or more from overhead powerlines
It's very dangerous to be near to or make contact with an overhead powerline. You don’t have to contact a powerline directly for it to seriously injure or kill you.
Click here to watch an informative video on our YouTube channel
How dangerous do you believe it is to touch an overhead powerline (with your body or an object?)
Very dangerous! It is dangerous to get closer than 3 metres (10 feet) to overhead powerlines!
You don’t have to contact a powerline directly for it to seriously injure or kill you. Stay back at least 3 metres (10 feet).
Anything that touches a powerline – a pruning tool, the tree limb or your hand can give you a shock or kill you. Stay back 3 metres (10 feet).
Click here to watch an informative video on our YouTube channel
If you are in a vehicle and an overhead powerline comes down on top of it, what should you do?
STAY IN THE VEHICLE UNTIL POWER HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED. Your car and ground around it can be electrified if a power line falls on it. Stay in the car, call 911 and tell others to stay far back!
Powerlines in contact with your car can electrify the ground around it for 10 metres in all directions. Stay in your car and call 911.
If you must exit the car due to fire, jump clear of the car with both feet together
Click here to watch an informative video on our YouTube channel
If you were undertaking a household activity that required digging, such as planting a tree or building a deck, how likely are you to call to locate electrical or other underground lines?
Definitely! Call before you dig - it's the law and it could save your life.
Contact Ontario One Call at least 5 business days before you plan to dig
Request a locate online at this link or call Ontario One Call 24/7 at 1-800-400-2255
Click here to watch an informative video on our YouTube channel
How dangerous is it to try to open, remove contents, or touch electrical equipment located in steel cabinets (pad-mounted transformers)?
Very dangerous! Inside, steel cabinets can have up to 27,699 V of electricity.
Trying to open, remove contents of touching the electrical equipment is very dangerous!
Keep the area around the steel cabinet clear from obstructions, including landscaping
Click here to watch an informative video on our YouTube channel