Ontario Electricity Rebate

If you are not receiving the OER and you think that you may be eligible, please read the Notice of Eligibility carefully. If you are eligible, please complete the Notice of Eligibility and return it to us right away so that you can start receiving the OER as soon as possible.

The OER is provided to eligible customers, including households, farms, long-term care homes, small businesses, retirement residences, common areas in condominiums and apartments and mobile home parks. Effective November 1, 2023, the OER provides eligible consumers with a 19.3% rebate from the province on the subtotal of their electricity bill. The rebate is automatic and automatically appears on electricity bills as a separate line item.

For a typical residential customer living in Oakville who uses 700 kWh of electricity per month with TOU pricing, the OER would decrease bills by approximately $25.63 per month. For a typical residential customer living in Oakville who uses 700 kWh of electricity per month with Tiered pricing, the OER would decrease bills by approximately $24.60 each month.

To learn more about the OER, visit the Ontario Energy Board website at this link.

What You Need to Know

Residential and Small Business Customers 

If you have a residential or small business (general service less than 50 kW) account with Oakville Hydro, you do not need to do anything. You will automatically receive the Ontario Electricity Rebate.

Multi-Unit Complexes, Long-Term Care Facilities, Retirement Residences, Common Areas in Condominiums and Apartments, Mobile Home Parks 

If you are not receiving the Ontario Electricity Rebate and you think that you may be eligible, please read the Notice of Eligibility carefully.

If you are eligible, please complete the Notice of Eligibility and return it to us right away so that you can start receiving the Ontario Electricity Rebate as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Have additional questions? Please contact us at customerservice@oakvillehydro.com or contact Customer Service at 905-825-9400 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM).